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Inventory Module
Inventory Module, offered as part of OkulTek Student Management System, is an inventory management solution specially designed for educational institutions. This module allows educational institutions to optimize their inventory processes, manage their resources effectively and reliably record detailed information about the inventory.

Entry/Exit Tracking Entry and exit of the inventory within the educational institution can be recorded through this module. Inventories given to students, teachers or other personnel are tracked.

Stock Information and Addition Provides instant stock information about how many items are left in which inventory. It offers an easy and fast interface to add new inventory or update the amount of existing inventory.

Supplier Management allows adding detailed information of the suppliers from which the inventory is received. It offers the opportunity to track inventory purchase history through supplier information.

Reporting and Analysis The module visualizes and analyzes inventory movements with various reporting tools. It provides educational institutions with detailed reports on inventory usage and stock status.


Increased Efficiency: Increased efficiency in processes thanks to recording and tracking of inventory movements.
Right Decisions: Access to accurate and detailed information about inventory management with powerful reporting features.
Cost Control: Possibility to perform cost analysis through stock tracking and supplier information.