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Şanlıurfa/Viranşehir Postal Code: 63700

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Email Address


Chat Module
With OkulTek Messaging Module, teachers, students and administrators can easily communicate and collaborate on a single platform. You can turn the module usage on or off in the groups you want.

Benefits of the Module
Effective Communication: Ensures fast and easy communication between teachers and students.
Time Saving: It is faster and more practical than alternative communication methods such as e-mail and telephone.
Attaches required documents (if any).

Usage of the Module
The user logs into the system.
Clicks on the chat tab.
He selects the person he wants to send the message to.
He writes his message and sends it.

With OkulTek Messaging Module
Communication becomes faster and easier.
Collaboration and information sharing increases.
Time is saved.
The education and learning process becomes more efficient.