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Şanlıurfa/Viranşehir Postal Code: 63700

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Fees Module
OkulTek offers a perfect solution to educational institutions by combining its comprehensive accounting module with the student management system. This module includes many features, from student installments to income and expense management, from financial transactions to tracking delayed payments.

Student Installment: The module allows students to pay their tuition fees in installments. Installment plans can be created integrated with student and parent information. Automatic payment reminders help parents make payments regularly.

Income Management: Automatic income calculation can be made based on student registrations and installment payments. It can manage different income sources (donations, event fees, canteen revenues, etc.) on a single platform. Income reports provide educational institutions with detailed information about their financial health.

Expense Management: It can track various expenses such as personnel salaries, training materials, maintenance-repair expenses. Automatic expense calculations and reports provide the institution’s budget control.

Overdue Payments and Collections: The system automatically tracks overdue payments and informs those concerned. Collection processes are managed quickly and effectively and parents are provided with up-to-date information.

Reporting and Analysis: The system has comprehensive reporting options for all financial transactions.