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Şanlıurfa/Viranşehir Postal Code: 63700

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Online Course Module
OkulTek Student Management System is a comprehensive platform designed for educational institutions. The Online Course Module within this system has been developed to offer an interactive educational experience to teachers, students and parents. This module offers a variety of features to increase student success and make the educational process more effective.

Adding and Editing Courses: Teachers can add online courses related to their own courses to the system and edit these courses. Course content can be enriched with lectures, question solutions and additional materials.

Add Quizzes and Content: Teachers can add quizzes and content to their courses. Can create interactive tests enriched with questions, explanations and solutions.

Course Progress Tracking Students can follow their progress in the courses they are registered for. Information such as completed sections and exam results can be viewed.

Content Review Students can review course content, watch lessons and solve questions. Parents can view and track their child’s course progress.

General Course Reports: Administrators can obtain general course reports through the online course module. Detailed reports containing data such as course participation rates, success statistics, and student performance can be presented.